Red dragons are known for their fiery nature and majestic presence. They have been featured in many cultures, mythologies, and stories. Their vibrant red scales symbolize power and dominance. The allure of these creatures has captured imaginations for centuries.
Choosing the right name for a red dragon can be a fun and creative process. A great name can reflect their fierce and legendary characteristics. From powerful and ancient names to mystical and fiery ones, there’s a name for every red dragon.
Here are over 200 famous and unique names for red dragons. Whether you’re naming a character for a story, a game, or a fantasy world, these names will add depth and excitement to your fiery companion. Explore these fiery names and let your imagination soar.
Dungeons and Dragons Names for Red Dragons
Name | Name | Name | Name | Name |
Pyroth | Flamiras | Scaldrax | Emberfury | Asharoth |
Vulcanis | Blazeclaw | Cinderrath | Inferna | Charrax |
Volcath | Firemaw | Drakmara | Searax | Redthorn |
Pyros | Dragoth | Fumarra | Vulstrum | Scorchar |
Burnar | Hellthrone | Blazewing | Firagon | Vexar |
Cinderdash | Ravynox | Flameheart | Magmarion | Zorath |
Smolderax | Arithrax | Pyrith | Blazemor | Ashglaar |
Brimstone | Drathun | Flareth | Inferion | Vornak |
Scorchedon | Xalrath | Kharath | Pyrolith | Tharion |
Ignath | Charblaze | Scaldraxx | Firescorch | Magmora |
Blazewrath | Kragthar | Pyroscorch | Volgrax | Firelord |
Vulcran | Drakmir | Emberglow | Torvax | Redwing |
Searaxt | Grimfury | Scorcharax | Blazecor | Burntide |
Emberlash | Rethorax | Pyrallax | Scorchgarde | Flamescar |
Torrax | Infernox | Magmoth | Hellbringer | Pyronar |
Drakmoth | Flamewrought | Ignisdrake | Dragshar | Ashgloom |
Vulkir | Burnwings | Firosol | Ashruun | Charclaw |
Pyrosith | Burnmaster | Emberhaze | Charroth | Magmash |
Scorchrith | Firedrake | Sulfura | Ignathar | Blazefury |
Vehemar | Furlath | Infernoslash | Chargran | Vulcair |
Flamethorn | Brimblaze | Emberfrost | Pyrothar | Thalrath |
Dragorth | Flammeath | Scaldwing | Pyromar | Ignithrax |
Vulrath | Magmavorn | Zathos | Blazebite | Scorchwing |
Rethros | Drakthul | Scaldwing | Fumarith | Pyroscorch |
Blazewind | Flameforger | Emberthorn | Ashgorn | Scarthrax |
Cindermar | Volthar | Flamethrall | Pyroax | Emberlash |
Chargrath | Ashgron | Varkos | Blazeglim | Firethorn |
Magmothar | Scornix | Vulgnar | Drakshar | Flamegarde |
Zephyros | Vulmira | Infernoscorch | Bladewind | Vornoth |
Emberwing | Pyroskorn | Flarith | Rythak | Scorchclaw |
Ashfall | Chargron | Blazeflame | Vulkira | Infernas |
Dragthar | Firegrim | Emberstone | Flamegore | Ignaroth |
Scorchfury | Draklava | Flamefrost | Magmorath | Torhoth |
Blazekith | Drakthron | Fumarrax | Pyronos | Embermaw |
Zandros | Searix | Blazetooth | Valthar | Firescorch |
Pyralon | Torvor | Magmaroth | Vulgarith | Pyroslash |
Fireflame | Burnrith | Cinderglow | Torhor | Emberclash |
Blazewing | Fumaros | Ashrath | Flamewrath | Vurnoth |
Scarblade | Inferoth | Emberblaze | Rethron | Flearith |
Dragronth | Scorchmaw | Tharath | Vulkith | Magmath |
Ashclaw | Seargon | Blazegron | Infergor | Fireglare |
Torvoth | Pyroslash | Magmavorn | Emberquill | Charvar |
Vulkirith | Ashthar | Emberlith | Rysar | Flamespire |
Flathor | Burnvorn | Pyromar | Scaldrax | Blazekron |
Drakanth | Flamewrath | Infermora | Cinderblade | Pyroscorch |
Kragor | Voltanth | Flaros | Scorchblade | Emberlash |
Blazgron | Firegoth | Pyrosith | Magmakorn | Rethorn |
Volstrar | Drakmoth | Scaldar | Pyralith | Scorchflame |
Pyrosil | Vexlar | Flametide | Magmothar | Thaurith |
Firexan | Blazerath | Bladewing | Firael | Cinderthorn |
Blazorth | Pyralax | Scorchrath | Emberclaw | Scarnath |
Asharoth | Dragorath | Infernodra | Magmothax | Pyroscale |
Vulgaron | Blazegron | Scarthron | Emberfire | Torhoth |
Drakthal | Blazemastra | Flamebeard | Pyramar | Magmash |
Emberkin | Firewind | Flarion | Scorchiron | Blazemaw |
Flametalon | Drakthorn | Scornthar | Firelash | Pyroscor |
Volgron | Emberfire | Blazegoth | Magmorax | Ignigroth |
Scornflame | Burnalith | Pyrrith | Firelash | Blazekith |
Ashrith | Toralth | Flamewrought | Blazethorn | Scartheon |
Emberblade | Pyrothrax | Ryzal | Flamutheon | Dragthron |
Scaldgarde | Vexaroth | Cindernyx | Flaradoth | Magmothax |
Ashvald | Volkrith | Blazetide | Furothar | Pyrothar |
World of Warcraft Names for Red Dragons
Name | Name | Name | Name | Name |
Emberflame | Pyrothar | Scorchar | Firestorm | Vulgarion |
Blazeheart | Magmashar | Flamestrike | Infernos | Ashmaw |
Redflare | Cinderglare | Blazewind | Charmaw | Scorchfury |
Ashgron | Dragoth | Infernah | Blazegarde | Vulkarth |
Emberstorm | Firosa | Flamewrath | Ragnakth | Magrath |
Pyroscorch | Embergale | Ignisfire | Searon | Blazebane |
Rithar | Vulkaron | Searinglash | Dragmara | Fireclaw |
Scaldrax | Vexthor | Torvex | Flameclaw | Ashflame |
Drakmir | Burnskorn | Redthorn | Furex | Scorchtail |
Pyrothorn | Chargrath | Flamequill | Emberlash | Volcorax |
Blazewrought | Flaros | Firescorch | Cinderlash | Dragstorm |
Vulcor | Blazewing | Firemaw | Ashcor | Rethorax |
Emberflare | Charredon | Scaldfire | Firelash | Pyralith |
Scorchmane | Ignisgrath | Blazethorn | Vulkhar | Firewing |
Magmoth | Furonox | Infernoslash | Burntail | Vulcoris |
Blazeclaw | Ashblood | Scaldthar | Drakomar | Firegrim |
Torvath | Charok | Emberclaw | Redtide | Flamefury |
Scaldara | Pyrosmith | Infernoct | Vulkiran | Emberthorn |
Flaroth | Draglith | Blazebane | Torgrath | Firestorm |
Magmascorch | Flamequill | Cindergrath | Furox | Vraxon |
Searshade | Blazeheart | Volcath | Redflare | Ashwrought |
Burnrath | Magmavorn | Scorcheye | Vulkrath | Blazewind |
Emberthorn | Redflame | Scaldroth | Fireburn | Ashflame |
Torlath | Flamecaster | Firequill | Dragkron | Volkarith |
Emberdark | Flamewhisper | Scorchgarde | Pyronith | Ashval |
Dragothrax | Redskorn | Fumara | Blazehowl | Charfang |
Scorchfang | Flameglaive | Emberfang | Blazewrath | Pyromar |
Torvax | Vulkrion | Bladewing | Ragnoth | Cindermar |
Magmora | Blazeheart | Searingwing | Furiax | Ashlith |
Emberfury | Drakmag | Scaldwing | Charblaze | Pyrosworn |
Blazewrath | Firesoul | Draglith | Emberstreak | Vulnarion |
Scorchlash | Burnmist | Pyrolash | Flametalon | Emberwing |
Flamebringer | Vurnoth | Blazequill | Redfang | Cindergarde |
Pyrethar | Embergrith | Drakthol | Flareblade | Volgrim |
Fireclash | Ashfang | Searfury | Vulgrath | Blazeveil |
Magthar | Infernoslash | Burntide | Firanthar | Flameblade |
Scorchember | Emberwyrm | Dragorn | Blazebreath | Vulmatheon |
Ryzar | Searash | Magmablaze | Cindergon | Draklith |
Blazefury | Torviscus | Magmavorn | Firelith | Redflare |
Scaldra | Dragfury | Blazewraith | Inferlas | Pyroscale |
Firestrike | Emberlash | Scornflare | Charbrim | Magmothrax |
Flarthar | Blazewind | Searfang | Pyronis | Scorchrath |
Volkar | Drakron | Redburn | Ashflare | Pyrethrax |
Scaldmara | Burnborn | Vulmaron | Charredon | Flamelash |
Blazewright | Draggorn | Flamewrath | Magmora | Emberthar |
Scornwing | Ashthar | Firewrought | Redwhisper | Vulkanis |
Dragothor | Searinghaze | Flarehorn | Inferthar | Emberthorn |
Pyroscorch | Blazeworth | Magmavern | Firewrought | Charfury |
Scorchblade | Flameclaw | Emberstrike | Ragnath | Flarith |
Volgath | Blazegron | Firegrath | Scorchra | Ashlith |
Frequently Asked Questions
What are red dragons known for?
Red dragons are known for their fiery nature, immense power, and dominance. They are often associated with fire and destruction, making them one of the most fearsome dragon types in fantasy.
Why are red dragons so popular in fantasy settings?
Red dragons are iconic due to their fearsome reputation and majestic appearance. Their fiery breath and powerful abilities make them stand out in both lore and gameplay, particularly in games like Dungeons & Dragons and World of Warcraft.
Can red dragons be tamed or controlled?
In most fantasy settings, red dragons are incredibly independent and rarely tamed. Their pride and fiery temperament make them difficult to control, though some powerful beings may manage to do so.
What makes a good name for a red dragon?
A good name for a red dragon should reflect its fiery nature, power, and majesty. Names like “Emberflame” or “Scorchar” evoke images of fire and destruction, making them suitable for red dragons.
Where can I use red dragon names?
Red dragon names can be used for characters in role-playing games, in fantasy novels, or for any creative project that involves these mighty creatures. They add depth and personality to the dragon’s character.
Choosing the right name for a red dragon is essential to capturing its essence in any fantasy setting. Whether you’re creating a character for a role-playing game or a story, the name should reflect the dragon’s fierce and fiery nature.
With hundreds of unique and powerful names available, you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your red dragon, ensuring it leaves a lasting impression in your fantasy world.

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